Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Farewell Orvis they have joined the race to the bottom....


Over the years Orvis has produced some very nice stuff ,  I have spent a fair chunk of money in the store and online. Some very good reels and nice rods.. As a small stream angler the Superfine touch were splendid ,  good reels too.  Who couldn`t help but love the CFO on a small stream rod . I even have a fair collection of shirts , jackets and chest waders .  All bought because I could visit a shop to check them out first.  It was the thing that set Orvis apart , 

For many years my family have known that for Christmas and birthday Orvis vouchers were always welcome.  Sadly this has gone to I have instructed them to buy no more.  The decision to just sell fishing tackle was I guess an accountants idea. So they are now entering that race to the bottom which is the internet,  the Orvis price premium was somehow acceptable given the high street presence and the quality image.  It would appear now that actually they are just another online seller.  Furthermore I would say not a very good one ,  I visited their website today and was completely unable to buy anything .  I could read a online catalogue which looked pretty much like the same format as Maxcatch ,  there was a very long message from Simon saying how sorry he was, but I couldn`t actually find a way to buy anything ,  Well Simon thats a pretty poor show really and it looks like you are losing the good will of this long time customer.  Surely with all the IT knowledge of a multi national you would have had a better transition than that,  even if  its a message from Simon saying normal ish service will resume shortly ,


Bill Trussell said...

Orvis has completely priced themselves out of business for the average angler--the only way I will purchase anything now from Orvis is at the store with a gift card and not online their website needs a complete overhaul.

Becks and Brown Trout said...

Bill in the Uk they have just shut all the stores apart from one near the main centre , They have stopped selling any clothes etc at all its only fishing tacle and its only online now in the UK.

Alistair said...

Hi Andy

I feel exactly the same to be honest! Over the years I have spent a lot of hard earned money in the stores and online as well. It has been a guilty pleasure of mine to call into the Harrogate store when I been visiting customers in the area and a treat to visit the Kelso store when on holiday in Scotland with the family. From rods, to reels, to packs, to sundries and all manner of clothing - I have been a loyal patron of their products for over 25 years.

However I was as shocked as you to see the state of their new website and to hear they had decided to close all their UK stores bar Stocksbridge. I noticed something was a miss last year when on holiday in Edinburgh and their store there was having a closing down sale only to hear earlier this year that the Harrogate store was closing as well.

Having visited their website to see Mr Perkins message last week I was saddened and very disappointed. However, worse was to come when I had a look at the weekend - sorting through my fishing gear for the start of the trout season I noticed a few things needed replacement. Their website is now like wading through mud, most items I wanted were out of stock and those I could purchase had risen in price exponentially. Nearly £300 for a pair of wader boots that were £220 in the summer, thank Simon for pointing me elsewhere - I am off to Simms! I am sorry Orvis but you have just driven away another loyal customer with your short sighted and narrow minded treatment of your customer base! You reap what you sow mr Perkins, treat your customers with contempt and you will lose market share and position!

Rant over now! I had an enjoyable first day of the season - two good trout out in the first three casts on the little River Leven and finishing with three in three hours and a few missed takes. Have you been out yet?

Take care and stay safe


Becks and Brown Trout said...

not been out yet Alistair . I may give myself a day off and fish on friday. The water is still very cold and it will be tough but will be good to get out
tight Line. Agree on the new orvis website and the new prices...


Bill Trussell said...

Hi Anky
Just letting you know that I am getting this message when I tried to post a comment on your latest post------New comments have been disabled for this post by a blog administrator------
Really impressed with the stream you selected to give the 6 ft. 2wt combo ago---to really experience fly fishing at its best one needs to land a few trout on a 2 wt. Thanks for sharing

Sipping Mayflies said...

Orvis is now the place to buy $1,000 ice coolers and $200 sweaters. Factually, fishing product sales comprises a small percentage of their overall revenue.

New Season anticipation . Rod Action bollocks and marketing

As is usual in the darkest bit of winter one spends more time on t inter web  , In  this last few weeks of winter  shitty wet days and dark ...