Monday, 8 June 2020

First trip of the Season on the River Seven..( and the third )...

This post is a bit late coming .  But its here now   I am fishing a new stream this year ,  the little Lower Yorkshire Seven.  I decided that I would spend opening day ( the post covid lock down one ) not the real one on the river . So on a cold day in mid may we ventured forth.  Myself and a companion to a very low stream on a very cold day .   Amazingly we did pretty well in the few hours fishing I finished with seven pretty little wild browns.

two from the first day ,  For those technical souls amongst you size 18 CDC IOBO was the winner on the day 

I followed the trip up a week later with a return visit .  The day was much brighter and warmer sadly the river was even lower but in the few hours managed a dozen fish .  Should have been more but missed a good few .  Mayfly were hatching but the fish were not really taking them.

The river is delightful , quiet unspoilt away from both crowds and dog walkers .  Interesting varied water with a suitable number of long flats. Short rapids and everything in between to require varied approaches ,  requiring at varying times either a machette or the wading skills of a ninja assassin.

The fish are pretty and up to a suitable size to put a bend in a two or three weight . little wildies can create quite a fuss when they realise they are hooked.  This was the best of the day..

In places the casting is a bit tight .  Not impossible I might add but tight enough to be interesting and keep you coming back . Yes  I am going to enjoy it here....No I didnt catch the one I was after .  Fluffed the roll cast and spooked the bugger...


Bill Trussell said...

I envy you guys so, being able to fish streams like this and land wild trout---beautiful area you were fishing.
I guess I should feel lucky to have a tailrace within 20 minutes of my house to fish for stock rainbow, but still wild ones in my opinion are a cut above. Thanks for sharing

Becks and Brown Trout said...

Bill we do feel lucky. We live in a beautiful part of the world. Which is pretty unspoilt still despite being such a small island with so many people.


brian said...

Lovely looking stream and beautifully marked trout👍🏻

flyfishingunlimited said...

So nice! I miss Europe...and fishing for wild browns. COVID-19 did make a significant impact on my trout fishing. Enjoy!

Bureboyblog said...

Lovely stuff all round.

Unknown said...

Andy, nice one. Looks like we're walking in each other's footsteps as I also had my first trip up there when the levels were really low. Those fish do not give themselves up easily do they but I've had some cracking sport already. Shhhh don't tell anyone about this river 😏

New Season anticipation . Rod Action bollocks and marketing

As is usual in the darkest bit of winter one spends more time on t inter web  , In  this last few weeks of winter  shitty wet days and dark ...