Saturday, 29 March 2014

First trout of the season

After a seemingly endless winter today was my first opportunity to get to my local beck.  The day was cold the beck was running a little high and well coloured from recent rain but I was determined that the season was starting today.   I would have liked to have started the season with a fish caught on the dry but although a few olives were hatching not one rising fish was seen.   I took to searching the dubs and eddies with a small red bead head PTN.   After 30 minutes prospecting likely lies that first stabbing take started my season.  The fish was small and not the most pristine fish I have ever caught but if ever a fish was welcome then this was it….

I had a couple more but after an hour and a half fishing I decided to call it a day.  I mean to make the most of the summer with lots of new fishing to explore I am hoping it will be a good one..


MarkW said...

Well done getting the first fish of the new season. Here's to many more to come!

Unknown said...

Nice report Andy... good to get out! Usk for me tomorrow...

Android said...

Good to be out again Andy!

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