Friday, 27 May 2011

Chasing rainbows and making plans

Its very rarely I kill any trout, Mainly because I mostly fish for wild brownies and grayling.  Two creatures that around here are to precious to just be caught once.   However on a recent trip I had fished a beck for the afternoon and was at the car playing with a new kelly kettle , brewing a fresh cuppa when she who must be obeyed rang. It was the usual call. " I suppose you will be staying till its dark " and "do you want something to eat"  when you get in... He parting comment was, "you havent brought any fish home for months I would like some trout for dinner tomorrow".  Well I had been wondering where to fish the evening so my mind was made up for me.  One club I fish has a couple of lakes one of which is liberally stocked with rainbows.  Its a pretty place made even nicer to fish by the population of water voles, sadly such a rarity these days .  Its just still waters just dont do it for me and I rarely fish it.  I hadnt visited it this year other than to show a new member its location.

When I arrived at the lake I was pleased to see that it was only me fishing .  The lake was very still and showed little surface activity.  I was determined to catch of the top though I really dont like retrieving  a nymph.

After a while I spotted signs of fish they were tight under the bank and seemed to be rising inches from it , just often enough to give me hope.   I had sign little fly life apart from a solitary mayfly .  So with that single clue a Mayfly with a deer har wing went on.  After around 10 minutes of exploring the margins I heard a crash behind me and turned to see a roe buck dissapearing just a few feet from me.  When my head turned back I then saw my fly bobbing back to the surface in the middle of a rise.. Bugger...... Anyway that at least gave me encouragement.   I kept moving and casting and eventually a good rainbow was on , It has been a while since I had been connected to a rainbow and had almost forgotten their acrobatics and stamina epecially on an 8ft 3 wt rod,.... Eventually it was in the net and dispatched ,  This was followed shortly after by another, smaller but even more lively.   I can report they tasted excellent.

The evening was made complete by the water vole. I did see one swim out the island and several times heard the distinctive ploop as they dive under the surface.  It was good to see them.

I am looking forward to the next two weeks I have holidays booked . I have a trip planned down south to the Monnow following last years monnow restoration auction.  I have a day planned to take the two guys who took part in the lets tackle cancer auction on my local rivers. Thanks again to those two.  I also have a day arranged when Android from the walks and fishes blog will join me on the Ure at Masham and I will be hoping to fit a trip or two in on my local becks just on my own. 


Sanders said...

It's always nice to keep "she who must be obeyed" happy, I know the feeling well. Sounds like a nice night on the water, and a nice dinner caught. Good luck in the weeks to come, looking forward to reading about your exploits.

e.m.b. said...

I kept a few rainbows yesterday myself. Good to do every once in awhile, I think.
Great holiday weeks to you!

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