Friday, 4 October 2019

Hard to know where to start

August has been and gone and here we are in September.  Hot days , low rivers and the first hint of days shortening .  It means the last days of the trout fishing season are here . The last few months have sadly been a miserable performance on the blogging front .   August was sadly lacking in rain.  Rivers were dead low , temperatures were high and fish were generally pretty inactive . But I did still catch a few ,   It was to be said that there was nothing startling .  Plenty of nice fish but few that were noteworthy .  The end of August and the beginning of September found me afloat around the Med on the tub below .

The Cruise was a first for me.  It was a birthday cruise for my long suffering wife .  "Tub " is a bit of an understatement . Fifteen decks and 3000 passengers . It was big enough to comfortably get lost on board . We did several times.   We also ate to much and made full use of the drinks package .

I know this is a fishing blog but I am going to mention a few highlights .  First Montenegro and Kotor . The above was the view from the balcony in early morning as we entered the fiord leading to Kotor .Silent and calm. truly serene .  Kotor was a perfect small town.  very charismatic .

The light conditions for the Photo above is what made the picture .  We walked back past the place a few hours later . The Sun was overhead and it looked totally different .  The Photo below was taken from our balcony at sunrise .  It was from memory Naples .  An hour later it was essentially an industrial scene of warehouses and cranes .  The accomplished photographers amongst you readers would of course know how important light is ,  But it did remind me , an amateur snapper of the point.

Another port of call was Barcelona , which was home to both things of great beauty and unfortunately street crime .  On the bright side the Picasso museum was wonderful with more than 300 hundred of his works on view it was Wonderful.  A plus on the negative side is that the insurers have been fine , 

So what about fishing you are thinking , stop boring me with holiday pics , well the closest I got to fishing was my travel vise and a few hooks, beads and feathers for the Grayling when back home .  I managed to tie about a 100 up in the times when my long suffering lady was getting ready for the evenings .

Anyone after a travel vise I can recommend this absolutely .  It is an Italian Cottarelli and its superb.


Anyway we are back now . We have had dead low and bank high rivers , at times almost on the same day .  This was a day on the river Swale The light was stunning the river looked pretty good although was falling fast after a lift of water the previous day.  In the end my catch was pretty poor 3 very small sardine size trout. 

The Water mark was how far the river dropped in about three hours


Mark Kautz said...

Having been on a few cruises myself, one always gets lost so you're not alone. One always eats too much, so not alone again and always make sure you use as much of the drink tab as you can. Cruising is a lot of fun as long as you're safe when you're on shore. That said, glad you're back home safe and sound.

George said...

So you have now got the cruise bug Andy :) Its all me & the wife have done for years, wouldn't do anything else & your right you always get lost at some point. Did you not sniff out the fly fishing shop in Barcelona...I highly recommend it next time you visit . Back to the Grayling if this rain ever stops. Tight lines for the Grayling mate.
Kind regards

Becks and Brown Trout said...

George the cruise has been coming for a while . It was good . Barcelona day was a bad day mate ..


2025 Hopes and Plans

  Blimey 2025! .  A quarter of a century since the Millennium .  Which seems like 5 or 10 years ago.  But there again I am one of those who ...