Thursday, 8 January 2015

Je suis Charlie.

I know this isnt a political blog ,  but yesterdays events in Paris remind us all of what a precious thing free speech is....and the irony is the freedom of speech that they would deny others is the very freedom that allows them to preach their intolerance.

Je suis Charlie.....


Hippo said...

And yet political leaders continue to allow the erosion of the tenets of our society in deference for other cultures, cultures that refuse to assimilate, expecting their hosts to accommodate their sensibilities.

I'd go back to fishing and not think about it too much, it'll give you ulcers otherwise.

Peter said...

here here

Mark Kautz said...

I agree.

So lets talk about the past year and the future...

  It really has been a strange sort of a year . A spring so wet it was biblical .  Followed by a summer that never really matured it was eit...