. . "Perhaps the greatest satisfaction on the first day of the season is the knowledge in the evening that the whole of the rest of the season is to come."
The above quote by Arthur Ransome sums it up very nicely . Even as a boy I can remember the same excitement . I mean Christmas is just a day that ends all to soon. Whereas the first day of the season opens the window to a whole new year . with fresh hopes and ambitions , new places to visit or even better visiting those places that have become home to see what changes the winter floods have brought about . Or more simply just to enjoy the fact that summer is starting. I still have the same sense of excitement that I had as a kid . Despite the fact that at my age I should know better , but actually at my age I should be more excited as now semi retired and free to come and go . Sons and Daughter grown up and after many years of trial the rivers I fish have matured nicely down to a select group. I have all the rods and reels I need , which is not to say I could always want something new and shiny ,
So on opening day I have already decided where I will fish. Its a favourite small stream . One that appears on the blog and I am particularly fond of . There is something particularly satisfying about familiar surroundings .
On the subject of Ransome it reminds me that Swallows and Amazons was one of my favourite reads as a child. Books that I suspect have past by modern youngsters and are probably deemed inappropriate as they freely use jolly nicknames like fatty and Skinny and girls are not expected to act like boys . The books did portray a very wholesome worldly innocence that I suspect is pretty unfashionable now ,
As for books generally I enjoy and tend to read Angling literature rather more than how too books. The modern how too books are interesting and they there have been some very good ones published in the last few years. But I feel however good they are to dip into, they are not what I would call a good read , They are inevitably more like text books, something that I have always been somewhat averse too. Where as the classic authors books are much more readable. My leavers report of the Boarding school I attended had the heads comment I would have been a admirable student if I had put as much effort into my Scholastic studies as trying to catch the trout in the river leven, To this day I am very proud of that report. and particularly of that comment .
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