Thursday, 27 May 2021

Southfork Products magnetic fly holder


A local company here in the UK came up with an idea ,  Magnet-ique a brilliant and innovative product to keep your flies safe ,  as a friend of one of the Directors I listened with interest on the new products development .  I was even given an early model to field test .  I witnessed the time and effort needed to develop this new product for the market.  

This is them....

I also know that every effort has been made to keep the manufacturing local , keeping several small local businesses busy during the pandemic . I also know that discussions were being had with American companies to sell these over in the States. So its a disappointment now to know that Southfork Products have shamelessly ripped of the design ,  Also proudly declaring made in The USA .  The supply chain also selling them will I am sure have been aware of the infringement of intellectual property rights .  I guess its a sign of the times , but its a shame US businesses behave like Chinese ones and for me makes me less bothered about buying cheaper Chinese rip offs of American fishing tackle.  Certainly here in the UK Magnet- Ique and its associated companies are a well loved brand and I feel sure that people will remember South Fork Products brand for the rip off merchants that they seem to be. 

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Could Spring be here ?

It’s been a long time coming but I think spring is here, today the fish were small but rising more freely . 

The trees are turning green again.

The fish are starting to oblige us by looking up and the flies are starting to hatch . Hawthorn flies we’re about but the fish weren’t interested. 

Even if some are very small they were fun on a three weight cane rod .  

The last few days rain has turned the wild garlic green again, this bank of it was dry and wilting a week ago . 

The smell in the air today was wonderful  . 

I followed a roe buck up the river today caught sight of it eventually and he saw me , my they are fast. 

I love this river , so varied, rocky and fast at times then slow glides ,

The fish generally today were the smaller ones the larger ones  , of which there are many were mainly laying low .  I suppose  I could have found some bigger fish with a nymph but I was relishing seeing rising fish . 

Now I am Looking forward to many more warmer days . 


New Season anticipation . Rod Action bollocks and marketing

As is usual in the darkest bit of winter one spends more time on t inter web  , In  this last few weeks of winter  shitty wet days and dark ...