Friday 4 October 2019

Hard to know where to start

August has been and gone and here we are in September.  Hot days , low rivers and the first hint of days shortening .  It means the last days of the trout fishing season are here . The last few months have sadly been a miserable performance on the blogging front .   August was sadly lacking in rain.  Rivers were dead low , temperatures were high and fish were generally pretty inactive . But I did still catch a few ,   It was to be said that there was nothing startling .  Plenty of nice fish but few that were noteworthy .  The end of August and the beginning of September found me afloat around the Med on the tub below .

The Cruise was a first for me.  It was a birthday cruise for my long suffering wife .  "Tub " is a bit of an understatement . Fifteen decks and 3000 passengers . It was big enough to comfortably get lost on board . We did several times.   We also ate to much and made full use of the drinks package .

I know this is a fishing blog but I am going to mention a few highlights .  First Montenegro and Kotor . The above was the view from the balcony in early morning as we entered the fiord leading to Kotor .Silent and calm. truly serene .  Kotor was a perfect small town.  very charismatic .

The light conditions for the Photo above is what made the picture .  We walked back past the place a few hours later . The Sun was overhead and it looked totally different .  The Photo below was taken from our balcony at sunrise .  It was from memory Naples .  An hour later it was essentially an industrial scene of warehouses and cranes .  The accomplished photographers amongst you readers would of course know how important light is ,  But it did remind me , an amateur snapper of the point.

Another port of call was Barcelona , which was home to both things of great beauty and unfortunately street crime .  On the bright side the Picasso museum was wonderful with more than 300 hundred of his works on view it was Wonderful.  A plus on the negative side is that the insurers have been fine , 

So what about fishing you are thinking , stop boring me with holiday pics , well the closest I got to fishing was my travel vise and a few hooks, beads and feathers for the Grayling when back home .  I managed to tie about a 100 up in the times when my long suffering lady was getting ready for the evenings .

Anyone after a travel vise I can recommend this absolutely .  It is an Italian Cottarelli and its superb.


Anyway we are back now . We have had dead low and bank high rivers , at times almost on the same day .  This was a day on the river Swale The light was stunning the river looked pretty good although was falling fast after a lift of water the previous day.  In the end my catch was pretty poor 3 very small sardine size trout. 

The Water mark was how far the river dropped in about three hours

A very surprising result

 So my last post used a racing analogy .  My Friday a couple of weeks ago  was another day that would be backing the long odds .  Until Thur...