Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Worth the Wait

They do say that is something is really worth having then its worth waiting for .  Well this last month I got the phone call I have been waiting for for over eight years ,  a place had become available in the small fishing club on a beautiful North Yorkshire stream.  This isn't a expensive club but what it has a few miles of the most pristine of wild streams in some of the prettiest surroundings anyone could wish for .

Tree lined and pretty much unspoilt ,  challenging fishing in a pristine stream for wild fish what more could you want... 

My first day was on a work party , an ideal way to meet some of the other members , have a chat and generally relish the thoughts of warm summer evenings here with rising fish,,,

I know it sounds weird after waiting so many years but knowing that the river is there for me now whenever I wish meant that yes I needed to fish but I also knew that if I couldn't catch one on the dry then I wasn't going to bother,  now it was bloody cold and I hadn't seen a rising fish all day .  My back was hurting and my dodgy knee was playing up.  But I did want one fish .  Well after wandering and watching I saw a rise and after a few casts with a little cdc IOBO.  This was the result.  Small but a definite harbinger of things to come. Roll on Summer .......


Brk Trt said...

Nice. That is a lovely tree lined stream that shows promise with a dry fly.
I think I could enjoy such a place.

The Two Terriers said...

A treat. A real treat and a gift too. John

2025 Hopes and Plans

  Blimey 2025! .  A quarter of a century since the Millennium .  Which seems like 5 or 10 years ago.  But there again I am one of those who ...