Sunday, 14 January 2018

A charity shop style day

Well thats me of the mark for 2018,  at long last the rain had stopped long enough for the rivers to settle a little and allow me a crack at some grayling.   I don’t much like fishing at this time of year , apart from the cold and the general gloom it is invariably fishing weighted nymphs for deep lying grayling .  A method which isn’t my favourite.  Now I know that a lunchtime rise is always a possibility, and there is a chance of a rising fish well the books say it works like that  .  Can’t say it often happened in January for me .

Anyway venturing forth the river looked in spanking form and it has at last cleared. Can’t say I was in spanking form . I was told by the one fellow member fishing when he saw me he said I was looking like a charity shop bundle that had gone fishing .  Harsh words coming from the Simms breathable clad figure .  I examined my attire working from the top down,  a imitation fur hat with yogi bear style ears cut a racy look .  My aging wading jacket which was struggling manfully to contain the multiple layers of pullovers atop my thermals .  All set of by my trusty ocean  pvc chest waders .  I gave up on neoprenes years ago , as on a couple of past occasions I came close to full cardiac arrest trying to get out of my previous pair.    The oceans are what you would call a comfy fit. With sufficient room around the rear to give a passable imitation of an elderly African elephant.  Anyway perhaps not the most stylish outfit but very practical.

As my  style critic strode of down the bank I entered the water in the only way that was proper . Sliding gracefully down the muddy bank on my arse .  A manoeuvre that is possible with indestructible PVC wrapped around you.The waters coldness hidden from my legs by the long socks , long johns , thermal suit and pvc .  The day was clear , crisp and the water at a good level. Apart from my style critic I shared the river with good numbers of dippers and one heron that flapped noisily away as I approached .  As for the fishing In the end my tally was two to hand and one released at distance and another couple scared . In the end a fine way to start the new year,  just not the most stylish.


Woz Andrew said...

Lovely Andy great stuff!

George said...

Doesn't matter what you look like Andy, as long as your comfortable and warm thats all that matters, people seem to forget fishing isn't a fashion statement business but for some I bet it is. Nice to see you on the scorecard for 2018 have a good season mate.

Piscatorial Quagswagging said...

Looks a nice bit of water that, lovely

MarkW said...

Who cares what you look like as long as you enjoyed yourself which it appears that you did! Well done

Becks and Brown Trout said...

Thanks for the words guys , tight lines to you all for the year ahead....


2025 Hopes and Plans

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