Saturday, 29 January 2011

Whats in a name

This blog has been going now for about 6 months, it started as an online diary without any prior planning. It was born out of a need to record my fishing, my thoughts and observations. I gave very little thought to the title and although my fishing is done mostly within North Yorkshire the Old title of " Fly fishing North Yorkshire" didnt really describe what the blog is about.  So after some more consideration I have decided to rename my blog "Becks and Brown trout"  After the North Yorkshire becks that I fish the most and the fish which is my favoured quarry .....I would have named it Becks, Brown trout and Grayling but I thought that was a little cumbersome.

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2024 That was the year that was

 Well that`s it them , 2024 done and dusted .  A year to be remembered only for its  miserable surface hatches and for having too much water...