Monday, 9 September 2024

Summers drawing to an end


Well as far as fishing summers go I think that to use a racing term 2024 is one to put down as an also ran. 

It was slow to get going due to last years biblical rainfall. Then being followed by a very dry couple of months .High summer never seemed to get going .  I had some brilliant early days up in the upland stream that I joined this year.  Otherwise its all been a bit strange .  The chalk stream was slow to get going and then it has been difficult all season with guys who have been fishing it for many years struggling .  But the beauty of the place is its trump card. It is not the typical manicured chalk stream.  Little is trimmed and the surrounding fields are at times chest high .  I have never seen so many Grass snakes in my life before , The river is also lightly stocked .  At times this year I have seen more Barbel and Chub in it than trout ,  

It fits in very nicely with how my fishing experience has changed over the 54 years since I caught my first trout on a fly rod .  These days it is the quality of the place and the experience that matters .  As I said in my last post the growing fondness for bamboo is also part of that change. Last Friday I had a guest on the river .  Someone who is also a bamboo fan and a rod maker as well.  A real pleasure for me was the fact that he wasn`t continuously trying to get me to repent and admit that actually Carbon is better because its lighter and then try to convince me by talking about swing weight , and modulus of something or other .  The discussion between us on various rods was about touch , feel and sensitivity .  About silk lines and how well they fish in the windy weather.  Sometimes when fishing with others  who use carbon  I feel like I am fishing with a vegan who is constantly trying to get me to see the error of my ways. 

In the end the day was long , hot and the fishing was challenging , we both caught a few trout and my highlight was targeting and catching a chub on a caterpillar imitation and remembering just what a pretty fish they are ,  On the day I used a Hardy Hollolite 8ft 5 wt with a silk line.  For the gusty wind it was perfect.  Otherwise the kingfisher blazing up and down the river all day was nice to see and the lunch at the hut chatting to the other anglers  is always a pleasure. 

Not long now till the end of the trout season .  It seems to me that the seasons get shorter and shorter ,  I must make the most of it...


New Season anticipation . Rod Action bollocks and marketing

As is usual in the darkest bit of winter one spends more time on t inter web  , In  this last few weeks of winter  shitty wet days and dark ...