Sunday, 16 February 2014

A new day and soon a new season....

Today I woke to sunshine and a refined breeze. For perhaps only a short time the strong winds and rain that have beset us recently have moved away.   Out early with my faithful dog our walk by the local beck shows a stream running high wide and handsome.  The positives are that the accumulated muck and rubbish has now been washed away , gravels have been cleansed and a quick invertebrate sample a week or two ago showed a river bed with plenty of food in it. I am pleased to say our local floods havent been so high as to do a lot of damage .  Up here in the North East we have had a relatively mild winter and fairly dry too. This recent rain was very welcome. In fact a bit more wouldnt go amiss,  the positive start to the day made me want to reawaken the blog and put fingers to keys.

Since Christmas I have had one fishing club committee meeting, an AGM for another and next week I have our local beck AGM which is combined with our annual duck dinner . A more civilised way to discuss fishing and lie about catches is hard to imagine.

This year so far I have resigned from one angling club and signed back up with another I left some years ago , regulars to the blog may guess what that was.  But as the season unfolds all with become apparant.  My new working arrangements have influenced where I may end up fishing a great deal. Recently the fly tying desk has received my attention boxes are being reorganised and refilled.  In preperation for being trashed once the season gets underway.  So at last the approach of the new season is tangible planning can start  . Spring if not in the air is at last within sight.....

New Season anticipation . Rod Action bollocks and marketing

As is usual in the darkest bit of winter one spends more time on t inter web  , In  this last few weeks of winter  shitty wet days and dark ...